Sunday, June 23, 2013

Touchstone - Corporate & Portfolio Template

Touchstone - Corporate & Portfolio Template - Business Corporate

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Show off your work with this easy-to-customize and fully featured Site Template. When purchasing this template, you will receive a detailed help file along with additional options like choosing between 18 color schemes and 7 additional fonts.

18 Color Schemes

  • Touchstone Dark
  • Touchstone Purple
  • Touchstone Gold
  • Touchstone Red
  • Touchstone Green
  • Touchstone Blue
  • Touchstone Light Blue
  • Touchstone Light Red
  • Touchstone Light Green
  • Touchstone Light Purple
  • Touchstone Light Gold
  • Touchstone Light Black
  • Touchstone Dark Blue
  • Touchstone Dark Red
  • Touchstone Dark Purple
  • Touchstone Dark Green
  • Touchstone White
  • Touchstone Wood Texture

Theme Features

  • 3 Featured Sliders to choose from
  • 18 Color Schemes and 7 optional fonts
  • Flickr Widget that automatically pulls in your Flickr images
  • Working PHP Contact Form
  • Video Support in the slider and portfolio
  • PHP Template Files Included
  • Grid Based Layout making the content easy to move around and edit
  • HTML5 Valid!
  • Detailed help file included


  • 3 Homepage layouts
  • Multiple footer layouts
  • About page
  • Styles demo page
  • Left & Right Sidebar pages
  • Full Width Columns page
  • 3 Portfolio layouts
  • Blog list and post pages
  • Contact page with working form

Additional Heading Fonts

  • PT Sans (free download)
  • Arvo (free download)
  • Crimson (free download)
  • Josefin Sans (free download)
  • Old Standard TT (free download)
  • Ubuntu (free download)
  • Yanone Kaffeesatz (free download)

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Need Support? Visit our Support Forum

We offer theme support via our support forum. Please post all support questions through our support forum. We reserve the item comments for pre-purchase questions.

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